Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DunDun...DunDun...DunDunDunDun... case you can't tell, that the music from JAWS, the movie.

Tonight's Basket Job is to shred stuff. And that means I get to play with our resident shredder, Jaws. Heh Heh.

But first, it's dinner, then after shredding, out comes the power drill!!! Yay tools!!!

And now for something completely different. Found this quiz over at Cherry Extract, and since we are having pizza for dinner...well, I couldn't resist. Think I will do what she did and list out the questions and my answers...

How many slices of pizza do you normally eat? 2
What kind of crust do you prefer? Pan
What kind of sauce do you prefer? Red Sauce
What kind of cheese do you prefer? Extra Mozzarella
What vegetable topping do you like the best? Mushrooms
What meat topping do you like the best? Sausage

What Your Pizza Reveals

People may tell you that you have a small appetite... but you aren't under eating. You just aren't a pig.

You consider pizza to be bread... very good bread. You fit in best in the Midwest part of the US.

You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods.

You are generous, outgoing, and considerate with your choices.

You are cultured and intellectual. You should consider traveling to Vienna.

The stereotype that best fits you is guy or girl next door. Hey, there's nothing wrong with being average.

Heh Heh, this is pretty good. I was born and raised in Chicago, home of the best deep dish pizza ever.

And guess what kind of pizza is almost ready to come out of the oven... thick crust (quasi pan) sausage and extra cheese pizza. MMMMM...sure does smell goooooooooooooooooood!!!!


  1. Anonymous4:45 AM PST

    It all started going wrong when I ticked the thingy to say I'd eat all the pizza.... but I would! I'm hungry!!

    And now it says I'd finish off my friends' scraps and I'm a little wacky in the head... and I should travel to Spain. Nooo, the pizzas are in Italy, not Spain!

    Stupid quiz...


  2. Mmm Pizza!
    You know I REALLY wanted pizza last night after this quiz got me thinking about it.
