The last week or so since my last post has been interesting.
Build new Ikea bed with a gabillion gazillion pieces on New Year's Day as planned. Check.
Move furniture around to accommodate new bed. Check.
Notice new dresser (also Ikea, built and positioned about May-ish last year) is wet on bottom, mold is growing. Um NO CHECK!
Life in the Chaos in chaos since January 2nd. Check.
Grateful for a TWO bathroom apartment. Check. Check. Check. Check. CHECK.
Even more grateful we only had to make one phone call to get this fixed. Check that for sure.
Even though we are not responsible for getting in the contractors to fix this mess or pay for it, our lives are disrupted just like any other folks going through a remodel.
It seems the shower base (some sort of stone thing original to the apartment - built in the mid 70's) was cracked and water was leaking through one wall into our bedroom and through the other out to the balcony. Lovely.
Things are uncovered and recovered daily to prepare for the day's work, lots of other things were moved into the spare room and living room before work so that the contractors and maintenance crew could get in and out easily. Plus I am paranoid of them dinging all our new furniture. Most of the furniture in the apartment is brand new. Redone shower should be ready for use by this Saturday.
Ramble ramble, check check check.
Seems the word for this post is CHECK. That's not really what this post is supposed to be about, so let's reign this in a bit.
I read blogs. It seems lately that reading them is a lot easier than writing on my own. Any-who, with the New Year, there has been a LOT of buzz on the interwebs about resolutions etc. I'm not into the resolution thing myself. That has never worked for me. Something new and different popping up this year (to me anyway) is the "word for the year".
I've taken to this word concept. Pick a word, live the word for a year. I like words. Words can have many meanings as Honey and I are finding out. We may both speak English, but the differences are there. Sometimes confusing, sometimes funny, always educational.
Now for My Word...
I have chosen the word "Create" to be my word for the year. I can create crafty sort of things, create calm, create chaos, create love, create change... Create can be many things. I will try to apply "create" to my life every day. I have a feeling a lot of my creating will be personal and internal (thank you peri-menopause three years and counting) and I don't usually share those sort of things on the blog. When I create crafty sorts of things though I will definitely post about it...with photographic evidence too.
"Life is what you make it" is how the saying goes right? Create.
So there you have it. Lots of words about Chaos checking and not nearly as much about the main idea of this post.
Today you guys get to decide if I've created entertainment or boredom. Check.