Thursday, July 12, 2007

My Honey is the best...

Lots of stress happening in the Chaos once again...

  • Drama in Texas - Spencer is there visiting - sounds simple enough - you'd think...
  • Deadlines at work causing stress...
  • Office closing August 15th, so even more stress added to work...
  • Getting set up at home since office is closing...yes, more stress...

Add all this to the 'normal' stresses one encounters in their daily life, and you've got one stressed out chick.

Can't wait until Saturday afternoon...Spencer will be back in California. One HUGE stress eliminated. The whole work thing will be around for a while, but I'll eventually deal with day at a time is all I can do at this point. The rest is...well, it just is.

Once the dust settles, things will get better.

The best thing that happened today? A wonderfully funny and sweet birthday card arrived in the mail all the way from my Honey today. :o) Just what I needed. He's the best. Ever. And he was just being his normal wonderful self...sigh...

OK enough sugary sweet, schmoopy stuff. I'm exhausted and the old eyelids are starting to droop...and it's just after 9pm....NOT like me at all...yesterday was worse - I was in bed asleep before the sun went down! Good Lord, I hope this isn't a trend. I'm a night owl dammit!!!!!

I'm pretty sure it's just the stress...and my body is telling me that I need rest. I'm listening, I'm listening! Of I go to my Honey in dreamland. ;o)

For those paying attention, I did say I was the one who got a birthday card...the big day is on Sunday. Let's all celebrate by running around in our birthday suits...or at least knitting knekkid...who's with me?


  1. Hey as long as it's not knitting in public knekkid. I don't have many limits but I think that would be one of them.

  2. I still have distracting stretch marks from a baby belly... so I will knit while thinking of Gerard Butler.... knekkid.

    Happy Early Birthday!!!

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday Bella D!! I'm in for the knitting nekkid party!!
