Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful day with family, friends, and turkey.

Spencer is off in Vegas with his Dad, and I've spent most of the day chatting online with the Honey (best. day. ever.), and called Mom and Sis in the morning...could almost smell the turkey and dressing. mmmmmm...let me tell you Mom makes the. most. bestest. dressing. Ever.

Did this all from bed. Yep...woke up with a cold. weeee. Not a bad one, so not so bad. Propped myself up with lots of pillows and enjoyed life on the innernets almost all day.

Kept myself full of tea, juice, and pizza. An unorthodox Thanksgiving yes, but a well deserved rest as well. And there will be much knitting tonight as I watch movies on TV...or whatever I can find on TV to amuse myself while I knit.

Rest well all you Day-After-Thanksgiving-Shoppers. You guys are crazy, but more power to you. Happy bargain hunting and may you get everything you set out for...

1 comment:

  1. Can I come over for pizza? (dont breathe on me though)....I could bring a Viggo-athon...??
