Thursday, September 06, 2007

No film at 11...just photos..but not yet..

Work continues to be busy...spent some very long hours at it these last few days...and this time it was necessary...I'm beat.

Didn't think I was going to be able to do it, but actually picked up the needles last night and knit a bit on the Honey Scarf. After 3 starts, I think I got it right.

Those of you who have been reading here for a while know that I usually can't start something without re-starting and re-starting. (Um, do I really need to mention the whole recycled yarn thing?) Well, the Honey Scarf was no different. It's just a scarf, how difficult can it be to start a scarf?!?

Wait for it...

While I was waiting for the yarn, I started thinking of what stitch I was going to use. Had to be reversible and I didn't really know what weight the yarn was that I ordered - it was the right colors, and that's all that mattered. (that part of the description was missing, but taking a wild guess from the WPI, I figured worsted, and I was right) I had been looking at all sorts of different scarf patterns trying to find the right one. After all, this is a special scarf.

OOohh...lookie...a swatch, a ball, and a few skeins...

Couldn't find anything for worsted that was patterned to look good from both sides, so decided on St stitch. Plain. Dull. Boring. But it would look the same on both sides, right? Right.

Then the white yarn arrived. Cut off a small bit of the yarn to get a handle on the whole wool issue while testing out needle sizes and all that good stuff. Decided St St was way too boring so decided on basketweave stitch. That would look really cool, give the scarf some texture and all that crap, yada yada yada. Knit up a swatch, looked good. I had a winner.

Blue and Yellow yarn finally shows...I start up the scarf as planned...get to the color striping...and yuk. Didn't like how the color changes looked. Especially since I had decided that in order to switch things up a bit, I would do the colored stripes in St St. Bad idea. Color changes looked great on one side, really nasty on the other. Should have known that was going to happen, but you know I never pay attention to any of that stuff...

Ooohhh...lookie again...a swatch and more balls...oh, and some needles too...

Donna visits the frog pond...and casts on with another stitch that shall remain nameless and without a picture since Honey reads the blog. Gotta leave some bit of a surprise in it all don't I? Oh, but you know I had to rip out that one too because I can't count and cast on way too many stitches...

And there you have it..chaotic knitting at its best once again...I'll post some photos of the yarn and subsequent balls later...

Edited: Added pictures of the yarn/balls... Oh, and Cherry, seems I can knit with this wool for about an hour or so before I start to have any side effects. Then it all hits at once...itchy, watery eyes, itchy hands, and dry throat. Now that I know my limits though, I never work on the Honey Scarf longer than 45 minutes...which is how long I can knit on any one thing at any time anyway. Only issue I have is dry hands after I'm done. Been pampering them morning, night, and after every Honey Scarf session with some great cream, so no complaints.


  1. Ahh Man!
    The suspense of the Honey Scarf continues....

  2. Are there knitting saints I can pray to, to relieve you of your allergies so that you may knit to your heart's content?

    Cause I'd do that for you... heck- I'd even be willing to take the offending yarn of your hands... kind of like yarny purgatory....ahem.
