Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Must. Resist. Temptation.

The rest of the Honey Scarf yarn just arrived! I've put Hugo in a not-so-convenient-place so that I am not tempted to stop work and wind up the last two skeins of yarn...

'Cause I am soooooooooooo tempted to stop work right now...'cause it's been a hell-of-a-day...

Only two more hours left...as long as Hugo is out of sight, he's mostly out of mind. I've also moved the yarn into the back reaches of my closet.

Yes. I am that tempted to stop work and play with balls.

Two more hours or so....argh...


  1. tee hee! You said "play with balls"

  2. Oh c'mon. Play with balls. You know you want to....
