Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Drive-by posting...

Still gettin' things done over here in the Chaos.

OMG...so who else is going to run off and make some of these?!?!?! I'm stopping on the way home to find something to put in them...either chocolate chips or blueberries or something otherwise yummy! Must. Make. Some...

Mom's recovery is coming along. Not only is she back to her normal self (as evidenced by some annoying parental habits), but the doctor even says she's healing well. :)

I finally remembered to ask Mom if she still had some old beads laying around the house. Sure enough, the old candy tin housing my Grandmothers glass seed beads is alive and well and soon to be on it's way to the Chaos. I used to "play" with those beads when I was little, pouring them out of their vials, putting them back in, arranging the little glass vials "just so" in the tin. Counting the strands on the tassels - that's how seed beads used to be sold, strung on cheap string and made into cute little bunches, or tassels as I called them. Well, the strings have long since deteriorated, it's a good thing I put the tassels into old film canisters. :)

Now that I sort of know what I'm doing, I'm going to try and make some jewelry out of these family antiques. I can't wait to see them again (the memories!). There will be photos as soon as my Mom and Sis find a good way to pack it all up and ship it safely.

I'm back in the saddle - have been bike riding Friday, Sunday and Monday! Today I rested as I've managed to get out of riding shape and am quite sore from the waist down. Tomorrow I go for a ride again. Yay!

My poor little kitty (my 16yr old fluffy white baby) was sick this morning...sure hope she's feeling better. Can't quite tell as she's been sleeping all day. Guess that's a good thing - since that is normally what she does anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fabulous. So glad your mom is feeling better. That's a big relief.
