...totally bites.
But that's what I get to do today. And yeah, I know, it's in the middle of the night and I really should be sleeping. Can't. So zip it and read. At least I'm not working...
Not-so-Quick update:
Honey's visit was awesome. We had a wonderful time together. He survived my cooking, and living with my teen, and the 'evil cat from hell who hates men' has totally accepted him, so he's a keeper. I am very sad that it's done with so soon. Didn't seem like enough time together, but it usually feels that way doesn't it...many plans for the future have been talked about, but not set in stone, so won't reveal anything until it starts to come together.
Have some great photos from this Honey visit, and the last, which I need to share with you all. Guess I should post something about the first visit first, eh? Getting very lazy about doing big story posts...still need to do Mythbusters and Kublacon...and probably a few others as well...gah.
Finished knitting on the Honey Scarf, need to finish adding the fringe. Yes, he saw it, and loves it. With the leftover yarn from the scarf, I'm going to make him one of
these...and then one of course for my sister, and myself...all of us big Dr Who fans...EXTERMINATE!
Need to set up a Flickr account and get things going on Ravelry. My first project listing will be the Honey Scarf.
I think I'm going to frog everything I've got on the needles (which quite honestly is only 3 things, so don't think it's a total tragedy) and get things going all over again. I've decided I don't like how the cotton shawl is going and don't really like the yarn, so I'm going to frog it and give the yarn away. Easiest way to reduce your stash actually. Gave lots of other yarn away as well during that last big give away thing before Honey's visit.
Really need to be more selective when I buy sweaters to recycle. Thought about selling it, but it's not really usable, so gave it away, someone
might be able to do something with it...
The Phoenix rectangle shawl is going to be frogged and reborn as a new shawl (if I can ever find the pattern, it's called something like "Cat's Eye Beaded Shawl"). Still beaded, but different pattern.
I'm still undecided about the mohair shawl I'm working on. I think I might keep that one, I need to find it and see what it looks like first. Maybe I'll do that as a Cat's Eye Beaded Shawl as well. Sure wish I could find that damn pattern...gah.
Oooh...and here's my latest favorite online yarn store
The Yarn and Fiber Company...free shipping, great customer service, and good sales/prices. Did I say free shipping? Oh yeah, I did... Did I say no minimum order to qualify for free shipping? Just did. Go check them out. Got my Honey Scarf yarn here and some more yarn for a gift project. Very happy so far, so thought I'd pass along the info.
Have lots of acrylic laying about in the Chaos Stash, so need to get working on some charity knitting. Booties and Baby hats a-go-go in the Chaos here soon...as soon as I find my favorite patterns...think I'm going to work on learning color work on the caps...do some basic stuff to 'cut my teeth' so to speak. Have been wanting to learn color work for a while and seeing the work of Honey's Mum on his sweaters has really made me want to do it. Will do larger caps and scarves as well. Need to check with the Community Charity Knitters over at
Stash Yarns and see what they need.
Need to get going on my Etsy Idea List. Lots of crafting to do...most of it for the Holidays which are rapidly approaching, so if I want to even think about selling that sort of stuff, I'd better get my tush in gear...
Lots of catching up at work...and it's about to get
very busy. Lots of crafting, sewing and knitting to do at home...oh wait...it's the same place for both...oh well, you guys know what I mean...now that I don't have all the boxes laying around getting in my way and stifling my creativity, I think I'll be able to get rocking on everything. All this should keep me busy and out of trouble and not dwelling on the fact that I'm missing the Honey so much. Not going to do too many projects at once tho, that's just asking for burn out. Have decided no knitted gifts this year cause I'm concentrating on the Charity knitting and Etsy stuff for a while. I will do something small that is handmade tho, with lots of gift cards. Easy way out, but that's what's best for this year.
Oh yeah, and then there is school stuff for Spencer. He's in 8th grade now, so we've got to get going on selecting a high school and getting applications and all that wonderful crap....GAH!
Oh yeah, and then there's the transport issue. Car is on the fritz, possibly going to kick the bucket and go toes up on me. Need to decide if I want to fix it, or trade it in...in the meantime, not using it all that often - guess I should get it in the shop for estimates... Spencer and I are well versed in the Art of Using Public Transit and use it whenever we can and we have the most wonderful friends who will assist us with rides if necessary, so it's not that big of an issue right now. Ask me again tho when rainy season starts...hahahaha... Spencer is all transit to school every day, and karate twice a week - I'm so proud of him. If I still worked in San Francisco, I'd be riding my bike to the BART station right along side him. Sniff. But, I'm at home, so his "Cool Factor" isn't threatened by the fact that he rides BART with his Mom...even tho none of his friends would ever see it...teens!
Well, Honey should almost be back home (wah!) and sleeping off his full day plus a bit of travelling. Don't expect to hear from him for a while, and he'll probably read this before we make contact...so...Miss you...hope you rested well...you know what I'm really thinking...
Speaking of sleeping...guess I'm off again to bed...starting to feel tired again...yeah! And this is getting long...and I'm rambling...and most likely boring you all to tears...
Later everyone...