Tuesday, July 21, 2009

And again, nothing gets done...

I seem to be in a bit of a funk this week.

Don't feel like doing anything...and I haven't. It's a wonder I manage to feed the cat and myself these past few days.

I miss my son and his doses of happiness. This whole unemployed thing is very depressing, and Spencer coming here on my scheduled custody days always brings me back up and into reality and gives me something to look forward to. With him gone in Texas all week, its all moping, all the time, ever since he left. sigh.

I've fixed the back tire on my bike, but it still seems a bit off. Whatever, maybe I'll get around to working on it again to try and find/fix the problem, maybe I won't. I most likely won't.

I've decided to re-read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince since I couldn't for the life of me remember what the hell happened in the damn book. At least I'm doing something.

I really should go outside and sit and draw and get some fresh air. Maybe even take out my jewelry supplies and work on re-doing those pieces that need fixing. I probably won't.

I'm going to go back to reading. In my quiet apartment, with the drapes all closed and the only company, the cat, who just doesn't give a flip what the hell I do as long as she gets fresh food and water every morning.

1 comment:

  1. Awww I know it's gets lonesome when the kids are gone. But wait til he gets back with all those hugs for you! That's the best part of vacations. xoxo
