Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Very Harlot Street Party Pre-Story

Stay tuned for a few pictures and a few words about our experience going to see Stephanie, a.k.a. the Yarn Harlot...

I met a knitter (whose name I can't remember - sorry) - who suggested I put up the pattern of the RYS II. Yes, once it's done, I will. Stay tuned...

The RYS II received lots of complements at the event. I'm so happy about that. I was getting tired of it and was beginning to question the design and my sanity. And now, I have renewed energy to finish it exactly as planned. Due to popular opinion, I will just trim it in beads, no fringe. Thanks to my road trip buddy Antonella who said the fringe would take away from the overall look and make it too busy. And thanks to all who contributed the opionion that it just screamed out for beads. I agree! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your pictures!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I can't find an email addy for you, so here's my reply: Hell yeah, we shoulda hooked up! I can't believe you didn't see me...I kinda stuck out LOL. Make a plan with me for the next big thing (Stitches?)..!
