On to the other stuff...
Time for the killing of two birds with one blog post...in other words...it's a twofer! I'm finally getting off my lazy, bloggy ass and posting some stuff. Don't get used to it.
First off...remember this?!?
"That 70's Stove" in it's final moments...sniff sniff...I shall miss you...NOT!
and introducing...
The New Stove. I love it so much I almost want to name it. OK, so I won't go that far, but we do loves it lots! Really changes the look of the kitchen, oh I don't know...by about 30 years or so?!?
And now for a trip back in time to ummm, let's see...June '07...the time of the first visit from The Honey....weee ooooo....weeee...oooooo.....weeeee...ooooo...when he gifted me with this...
...or should I say "Him"... Just over 5" of RC Dalek fun and frolic...
Everyone, meet Marvin...Marvin, please don't Exterminate! everyone...
Isn't he just adorable! My very own RC Dalek!!!! Honey earned major points with this one...him and the sneaky Antonella...but I love it and am glad to add him to my little family of named objects. See? I named him...means I love him! (oooh and bonus points to Honey for bringing batteries)
Yes folks, I am a big Dr Who fan...grew up with him, still watch him...did you know Netflix has the first two "new" seasons on DVD?!? Hoo Hah! (Spencer's new phrase...replaces Booyah)
You folks will be seeing lots of Marvin in the future. I have decided he will be my "Dalek for Scale"...cos every now and then you need a little perspective. Besides, Marvin needs to have something to do once he's done exterminating the remaining plants in the house...
OOOOH....I lied! It's not a twofer, it's a threefer! Who doesn't like a threesome every now and then...
Time for a finished object. Not too many details since it is just about midnight and the blogging magic wears off at midnight...at which time i turn back into a lazy ass blogger...
Meet Sidney...
Just over 12" of cushy, knitted Dalek Exterminating Fun...Now in possession of The Honey. It was his Xmas gift...made from the left over yarn from his Leeds United Scarf. 56 bobbles later...
...and lots and lots of knitting around and around and around and I had a Dalek for Honey. Isn't he adorable? And Marvin isn't in the least bit intimidated because he knows size doesn't matter...It's how you use your ray gun that's important.
OK...so it's past midnight and I'll leave you all contemplating ray guns, size, threesomes and stuff. Any second now, I'll lose all ability to.....damn.
Threesomes! You bloggy vixen you!